Monday, February 19, 2007

Time for me to bow out folks.

I have fought long and hard and with every ounce of strength in me for a log time. Now I am just tired and in constant pain from various lumps that have appeared all over my body. I have no idea what they are yet and I have been putting off going to the doctor as I hate hospitals and being poked around. However, though they may be just fatty tissue or something, the time has come to find out.

I cant do this stuff anymore. It has worn me into the ground and I feel like I am losing the plot here, but I urge you all to keep fighting as long as you can. Family is the most important thing in the world and if men do not fight for their own then they are not men.

For me personally, I think Christmas took too much out of me. It was heartbreaking to discover that my daughter, Martine, has a vindictive and nasty side with no understanding at all of the pain men are going through and no inclination to find out. Her contempt for our fight and struggle convinced me that many women are now beyond our reach. They have embraced selfishness to the point where neither children nor men, mean anything to them but as kind of accessories, like handbags. She has a wonderful side also. She can be kind and generous when the mood takes her and she is beautiful to behold so I have that to be thankful for. No matter what, I still and always will, love her.

My son, Jenson, on the other hand, showed me that he has the makings of a good man in him. He is strong, quiet, brave, kind, warm and humble enough to know when he has done wrong and to try and put things right. He is married to a lovely women and has a wonderful child. I love him and wish him all the very best.

I have worked with some amazing and dedicated people down the years. My thoughts remain with Grandad Lewis who first explained to me why feminism was so dangerous and divisive. He said to me something along these lines, "George. These women and their politics will push men so hard that one day they will have to fight back. Men will try to fight back in a well mannered way because it is hard for them to fight women any other way. I fear though," he said, "that the day will come when they will have to fight physically and dismantle feminism by force because, if they don't, they will have to watch their children suffer unbearable pain." It worries me deeply that we are getting closer and closer to that situation today. I hope I am no longer around when it comes.

I also remember many others who have tried to help along the way. Men and women who have given their time and effort to try and halt the madness that politicians, the press and women are imposing on our people. Joyce Farlane was a great friend. Now sadly passed away. Her last words to me were, "Fight until you cannot and then leave the battlefield proud that you have done all you can." I can think of no better way of doing it.

There are some amazing people out there and I am lucky to have met people like, Julia Swan, Michael Radwin, Davel Ellison, Walter Shnieder (Who I never met but would have liked too), Colin Bullen, Frank Latham, Paula Davis, Londey Selpa, Francis Abbot Mayfield, Ellen Fullmore, David and Linda Nesbit, Harold Arrington and on and on. The lsit is too long to mention them all here. People who have encouraged me and supported me along the way. People willing to be on the end of the phone to listen and help sooth the pain when things were darkest and who showed me great respect, even when I did not deserve it.

Thank you.

I have too many heros to mention but my biggest thanks go to Erin Pizzey, Cathrine Young, Wendy McElroy, Chuck Correy, Christina Sommers, Glen Sacks, Anne Harris, Donald Dutton, Cathy Young and hundreds more. People I have not always agreed with but who have done tremendously in their efforts to aid men, or simply to tell the truth. They are a credit to the human race because they have very public principles and will not lie down to be stepped on, no matter how much the system tries to bully them into silence.

There are some wonderful people in the men's movement and many in the fathers movement also. However, there are also some snakes in the grass. Men and women that make all the right noises but who are simply manipulative and nasty little bullies filled with a sense of their own importance. Some are fakes and have neither men's or fathers issues at heart.

My father used to say to me, "Son, there are two kinds of arsehole and both are equally dangerous. There is the arsehole who is smart and the dumb arsehole. To find out which is which, act dumb and act smart around them. Both will come baring down on you, waving their egos and claiming their superiority. Those who do not are not arseholes and can be trusted. The rest are not worth the effort."

He was right and it works! Thanks Dad!

To those who did not "wave their egos"....Thank you.

Too all the men out there who are hurting and wounded. Who, like me have suffered a lot of pain for a lot of years and been damaged by it. NEVER GIVE UP! You may have to stop fighting one day but NEVER stop trying to be better on the inside. When all the chips are down the only hand you hold is your own. Play it the best way you can and be proud because you sat at the table. Those who put you down are not worth the air they breath. You fought on despite the wounds you carried and that is the bravest warrior of all. Love your kids, learn to forgive your ex wife or partner and fight for others. That unselfish heart is the strongest heart of all.

One of the men who had the biggest impact on my life was a dear friend who I fought many a battle with and shared many a laugh. None of you know him apart form my children. His name was Hughie Keen and he was my father in law. He had the cunning of a fox. A sense of humour that was delightful. Kindness and tenderness that was deep and true and he was a man that in all the years I knew him, I saw him really angry only twice. He has gone now but I loved him dearly and will never forget him.

God bless your heart Hughie and thank you.

If just one person out there thinks I did something good during this fight then that is good enough for me and the battle was worth the effort.

Well, that's it. Take good care people. It's been......emotional.

George Rolph.

"Fight until you cannot and then leave the battlefield proud that you have done all you can." J. Farlane Died September 1999.

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